“If baking is any labor at all, it’s a labor of love. A love that gets passed from generation to generation.”

– Regina Brett

Sweet LoLo’s Shop is a black owned, female-owned business based out of Southern California.

Sweet LoLo recognizes that the fight for equality, justice, and inclusion is far from over. Though this may be so, it is important to celebrate the triumphs and victories along the way and what better way to celebrate than to indulge in sweet, delicious desserts.

The mission of Sweet LoLo’s Shop is to bring people together to learn about and appreciate the aspects that make each and every one of our cultures, both, similar and unique. We do this through the art of baking, and few things represent a culture as well as desserts.

Our sweets are packed into naturally sterilized mason jars and vacuum sealed to ensure ultimate freshness by the time they get to you. In this sealed condition, these desserts can last weeks!

Get creative and show us how you recycled or repurposed your jar :)